The Five Best Essential Oils for Beginners

One question I get asked often is what essential oils are “must haves” when first embarking on an aromatherapy journey. Let me begin by saying that you don’t need every essential oil on the market to be able to use essential oils effectively. My advice would be to start with five essential oils and really get to know them. Study them. Use them in different contexts and observe how they work for you. After developing a clear understanding of these five, then feel free to slowly branch out to other essential oils to create a small collection for home use. 


Which five are the best to start out with? I would say this is dependent on what you plan on utilizing essential oils for. For example, if you want to use them strictly for promoting calming, then I would suggest lavender, cedarwood, vetiver, roman chamomile, and petitgrain. However, for the enthusiast that wants to use essential oils in several aspects of their lives, I have found that these five essential oils tend to be the favorite choices.

1. Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia). There is a reason they call lavender the “mother of all essential oils”. It  is versatile yet gentle. Lavender can:

    • Promote calming

    • Support the immune system

    • Support the respiratory system

    • Soothe the skin

    • Balance the body-mind

 2. Lemon (Citrus limon). I think of lemon as the cleaning essential oil. Its crisp aroma brightens even the gloomiest day. Lemon can:

    • Support mental focus

    • Be used for household cleaning (great degreaser)

    • Support the immune system due to its d-limonene content

    • Decrease feelings of stress

    • Invoke feelings of happiness

3. Peppermint (Mentha x piperita) Peppermint is easy to identify with its strong, menthol aroma. It has many uses for everyone ages 3+. Peppermint can:

    • Support mental clarity

    • Decrease occasional physical discomfort

    • Aid with nausea

    • Be energizing

    • Support of the digestive system

4. Tea Tree (Melaleuca alternifolia). Tea tree has a distinct, medicinal aroma that may not be pleasing to some. (Not a fan of tea tree? Try Rosalina.) But its uses are quite extraordinary. Tea Tree can:

    • Be used in shampoo to prevent unwanted hair visitors

    • Be diffused when exposed to illness

    • Support the respiratory system

    • Minimize the look of the occasional pimple

    • Build confidence and strength

5. Helichrysum (Helichrysum italicum).  Helichrysum, also known as Immortelle or Everlasting, is not commonly seen on lists for beginners but I believe it should be. It has amazing qualities that cannot be matched. Helichrysum can:

  • Decrease physical discomfort

  • Minimize the appearance of bruising

  • Heal emotional wounds

  • Be utilized in skin care

  • Be useful for the occasional sore muscle

Using essential oils does not have to break the bank. Each essential oil is multifaceted and through continued, safe use, you will find a multitude of ways to use each one. Don’t be overwhelmed with all the information out there and feel like you have to know it all. Go slow and enjoy the learning journey!

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