Equip Your Child For A Successful School Year

By Amy Emnett, CCA, CNHP

Every year was the same; yet it still seemed to come out of nowhere. I’d enter the doors of my local department store shortly after the fourth of July, just to be blindsided with school supplies and large signs with pencils on them. The words “Back to School” glared at me and my heart would start pounding. Part of me was sad to leave behind the summer fun, but part of me was giddy with excitement. A new school year meant new students, new supplies, and a fresh new start. The teacher in me was ready to embark on this new adventure.

But as with every new beginning comes some transitional difficulties. For children who slept in all summer, it can be a rude awakening to hear the alarm clock blaring at 6:00 a.m. Nervousness over a new school or teacher can cause their minds to become cluttered with worry, making it difficult to sleep throughout the night. Parents are looking for natural options to assist their child to get a good night’s sleep allowing them to conquer the day. In this article, we will touch on sleep issues and how aromatherapy can assist in children ages 5-12 years old.

General Safety Considerations

I have chosen simple yet effective essential oils to discuss in this article. Children really don’t need harsh essential oils to bring their body back to balance. A gentle push is all that is needed. Essential oils should be used cautiously and with intention when it comes to children. Involve them in the process so they gain respect for these potent botanical remedies. If you educate yourself on safe usage, they can be a powerful tool to keep your family happy and healthy.

I recommend inhalation as the primary delivery method for the issues we are addressing. Inhalation is safe, simple, and effective. One word of caution regarding inhalation. Let the child inhale the cap of an essential oil bottle first and gauge their reaction. If it instills a negative response, disregard using this essential oil with the child. This applies to both physical and emotional responses. If they don’t enjoy the aroma, they definitely won’t find it calming or a cheerful start to their day! The wonderful thing about essential oils is they are all so multifaceted that there are many essential oils to chose from. The sky's the limit!

One way to utilize essential oils is by an aromastick. They are personal and portable. Children can keep them in their desk or book bag and bring them out when needed. You place around 10 drops of essential oil on an organic cotton wick. (I recommend organic since cotton is a heavily sprayed crop.) Then it is placed in a vented tube with a lid to keep the aroma trapped in the tube. You simply untwist and inhale when needed. Easy and effective!

Another easy way children can benefit from essential oils is by wearing diffusing jewelry. One advantage of wearing jewelry is that it on their body, allowing easy access. They can simply bring it to their nose to inhale when needed. Only one drop on the provided disc is needed for a necklace. The aroma usually lasts for days. For lava bead bracelets, apply with a cotton swab directly to the lava bead and wait for it to be fully absorbed before placing on your child.

The last method is room diffusion through an ultrasonic diffuser. Simply place a few drops of essential oil into the water reservoir and turn on. Diffuse for 15-20 minutes then turn off for at least an hour. Continuous diffusion is not recommended nor more effective than intermittent diffusion. If your child is battling an issue that requires an extra push, then choose diffusing intermittently more often during the day than continuously. For example, if they are battling a cold, it is better to diffuse for 15 minutes every couple hours than 2 hours straight.

The Bedtime Battle

The recommended sleep for this age group ranges from 10-12 hours a night. Adequate sleep is necessary to maintain optimal health. It directly impacts physical and emotional development. In order for students to successfully process and develop their academic skills, they need proper sleep. Essential oils should not be used as a crutch to lull children to sleep every night, However, if the child is having difficulty sleeping for short periods of time, essential oils boast sedative qualities which can relax and help them settle down for a good night’s sleep. Some kid-friendly suggested essential oils are:

Petigrain bigarade (Citrus aurantium var. amara) is derived from the leaves of the bitter orange tree. It has a woodsy orange aroma with a hint of floral. It is high in linalool and linalyl acetate which research has shown to have an sedative effect on the central nervous system. (1) It can stop a racing mind and relieve feelings of anxiety and stress. It is great for the child who cannot turn off his/her brain at night.

Green Mandarin (Citrus reticulata) has a sweet and fruity aroma and is derived from a fruit rind. Green Mandarin tends to be the most calming of the citrus essential oils. Children especially love the fact that the drops come out green! Like all of the citrus essential oils, it is uplifting and offers immune support due to its high percentage of d-limonene. (2) It is fantastic to help one to settle down, especially when combined with essential oils of a gentle, calming nature, such as lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) and roman chamomile (Chamaemelum nobile).

Atlas Cedarwood (Cedrus atlantica) has a mild, woodsy aroma. It is derived from the wood of the cedar tree and offers a sense of grounding. It calms fears and builds confidence. I have found this essential oil to be helpful for the child who has nightmares or is afraid of the dark. It is very powerful for those with difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep.

The Repeat Snoozer

Some children, especially as they get older, are more difficult to get out of bed in the morning. They tend to repeatedly hit the snooze button and moan and groan as you try to convince them to awake from their beloved slumber. Simply drop the essential oils in their bedroom diffuser to get them up and moving.

Pink Grapefruit (Citrus paradisi) has a sweet yet tangy aroma derived from the fruit rind. It is almost impossible not to get up and move when diffusing this essential oil. It is cheerful and makes you feel more alert. It is like a burst of energy in a bottle. It is helpful to get a child out of their slumber with a smile on their face and ready to tackle the day.

Peppermint (Mentha x piperita) is the quintessential energizing essential oil. Its strong mental aroma stimulates the senses (3) and reduces feelings of fatigue. It promotes clarity while awakening a sluggish child who can’t seem get a jumpstart on the morning’s activities. It motivates and refreshes. It adds an element of vibrancy and positive dynamics to any situation.

Lime (Citrus aurantifolia) has a radiant, sweet and sparkling citrus aroma. I have found that a quality steam-distilled lime is reminiscent of a lime popsicle. Children really resonate with its candy-like scent. It is almost like having a sugar rush without having to ingest sugar! It’s a bottle of sunshine and it can lift a child out of a funk quickly and effectively.

Aromatherapy is such a beautiful modality to help ease into transitions. Not only can it support the physical body, but it can provide emotional support to the child who needs a little extra TLC. Using botanical remedies with your children can create bonding experiences and foster lasting memories. Teach your children about the power of plants to enhance their lives and you have given them invaluable wisdom to pass down to future generations.


(1) Elisabetsky E, Coelho de Souza GP, Dos Santos MA et al (1995) Sedative properties of linalool. Fitoterapia 66:407-414

(2) Del Toro-Arreola S, Flores-Torales E, Torres-Lozano (2005) Effect of d-limonene on immune response in BALB/c mice with lymphoma. International Immunopharmacology 5:829-838

(3) Umezu T, Sakata A, Ito H (2001) Ambulation-promoting effect of peppermint oil and identification of its active constituents. Pharmacology Biochemistry & Behavior 69(3-4):383-390