Three Reasons Why Essential Oils Aren't Working For You

I’ve heard it many times before. I’m sure you have too. Or maybe you’ve said this yourself.

“Oh, I’ve tried essential oils. They didn’t work for me.”

Have you ever wondered WHY essential oils work for some and not others? Or why the blend that so many people RAVE about doesn’t do A THING for you?

Well, good thing you stumbled upon this post because I will tell you why.

There are three main reasons essential oils don’t/didn’t/won’t work for you.


    There are three different application methods when it comes to aromatherapy: topical, inhalation, and internal. Within those three main categories, there are subcategories.

    Here is a very general overview of the subcategories.

    -Direct versus indirect inhalation includes Diffusion, aromastick, inhalation from the bottle, nebulizer, steam inhalation, aroma jewelry, smelling salts, etc.

    -Internal use via honey, capsules, tablets, suppositories, pessaries, etc. (But not by putting them directly in water. Read this post to see why.)

    -Topical use for acute or long-term issues. Topical use is also dependent on what carrier oil you use to dilute it. Read about the importance of diluting here. Dermal application can also be through facial products, bath salts, compresses, salves, etc.

    In other words, you may be choosing the wrong method of application. For example, a lot of people think if they put essential oils on their big toe, it’ll relieve their anxiety. When it comes to emotional health, I ALWAYS recommend direct inhalation. The reason being is that your sense of smell is biologically tied to the limbic system of your brain which controls your emotions. So if you want the most effective way of easing your anxiety, direct inhalation is your best bet. Not diffusing three drops hundreds of feet away. Not massaging it onto your big toe and putting a sock on. You want to inhale directly from the bottle or an aromastick or put drops on diffusing jewelry to sniff throughout the day.

    Another way you could be using it incorrectly is timing. Let’s say you are smart enough to know that you have to apply essential oils topically for a sore muscle (which I believe most of you are.) You research and find out that arnica is a great carrier oil to use to dilute, so you use that as your carrier. you dilute it at a higher percentage since this is an acute issue that involves discomfort.So far, you’re doing everything right. But you apply it once and groan that it didn’t work. You can’t just put it on once and expect it to magically take away the discomfort. You will have to use it more frequently for it to take full effect.

    The last way is by diluting it incorrectly when applying it topically. According to my French Aromatherapy course, “The amount of essential oil absorbed depends on a number of factors, including:

    • the dilution used

    • volume applied

    • surface area of skin to which it is applied

    • chemical composition of the oil used

    • carrier type (lotion, oil, gel, cream, alcohol, water)

    • body part applied to

    • skin temperature

    • skin integrity

    • temperature of the surrounding environment

    • age of the skin” (Shutes, Jade. 2021. French Aromatherapy Course. Link above.)

    Without taking these factors into consideration, you may not use the correct formulation, which in turn means it doesn't absorb properly into the skin. Sadly, this results in another case of it just not working right.


    I feel like a broken record but here I go again. <clearing throat to say it loudly>


    What works for Sally Sue will not necessarily work for you. There are SO many factors when it comes to choosing which essential oils are best for you.

    For example, lavender is known as an excellent sleep aid. BUT did you know that a lot of people with ADHD that find lavender stimulating? Read more about this here. So it might help lull Johnny to sleep but it’ll have Rosie jumping on her bed!

    Another example is that your personal sense of smell can affect which ones work for you. If you have a strong dislike of florals, you are not going to do well with anything that has Geranium in it since it tends to dominate blends. Who wants to use an essential oil they gives them a headache or makes them feel sick?

    Plus, a scent might conjure up a bad memory. I remember one client who had a strong reaction to anything Rose. It turns out it brought back memories of all the flowers at her mom’s funeral. Remember the limbic system and how a scent can affect your emotions? It can bring back memories too, good or bad.

    Oh and another soapbox moment here. It is a complete myth that if you don’t like the smell of an essential oil, it means your body needs it. Please refer to my Facebook page for the post that debunks this marketing ploy.

    I can’t begin to cover your body’s chemistry and essential oils usage in a blog post. So I will leave you with this comparison. Have you ever had a medicine or exercise plan or diet that worked for someone else but not you? Same with essential oils. Your body’s chemistry is different than Sarah Jean’s body chemistry due to a multitude of factors. It just doesn’t make sense that every thing will work for every body in the same way.

    The reason people go to aromatherapy school(s) and continue their education, for the rest of their professional lives, is that aromatherapy is complex and holistic. Not sure which essential oils will work for you? Contact a professional! They are the ones who do all the research and case studies!


Essential oils are not meant to cure disease or to magically fix your chronic ailments. They are meant to be a complimentary modality, not an all encompassing modality. So if you depend on essential oils for everything, you are doing it wrong. Let me explain.

Example One: I know someone with a nasty fungus on his big toenail. I’m talking really nasty. (Ew, David!) Did essential oils work to help clear up the fungus? Yes but it kept coming back. Essential oils did not get to the root cause of the issue. They helped soothe the symptoms but did not cure it in any way. But you know what did? Going all plant-based in his diet.

Example Two: I have Tinea Versicolor. While essential oils help to keep it at bay, it does not make it go away completely. You know what does? Minimizing my sugar content.

Example Three: I know someone with sciatica issues. Did essential oils ease their discomfort? Yes but it did not solve the issue. It wasn’t until this person went to a specialized personal trainer and learned how to properly stretch, for it to go away for good.

The moral of the story is that you can’t count on essential oils to make miraculous transformations. Here’s what you can count on to make miraculous transformations:

  • DIET. If ANYTHING is wrong with your body, changing your diet is the key to helping your body fix it. They don’t say “you are what you eat” for nothing.If you have a chronic issue and refuse to change your diet, then you really don’t want to fix it. It’s that simple.

  • EXERCISE. Your body is meant to move, even if it is just walking 20 minutes a day.

  • WATER. You should drink half of your body weight in ounces a day. And no, just because soda has water in it doesn’t mean it counts as water. Sorry!

  • SLEEP. You must get quality sleep every night in order for your body to repair and reset. If you aren’t getting enough sleep, talk to someone who can help you. Sleep is SO important.

Essential oils can do a lot when used properly. But they can’t do everything. Please continue to educate yourself about aromatherapy from a trusted professional who was educated from a company-neutral source. Don’t know where to look? Reach out and I’ll direct you. Or you can check out the AROMATHERAPY tab on my website.

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